That one second

On November 17th, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is hosting the 14th Annual International Survivors of Suicide Day

In promoting the conference, they have an advertisement that states:

Every 40 seconds, someone in the world dies by suicide.

Every 41 seconds, someone is left to make sense of it.

For the survivor, that one second is life changing. Everything they thought before is brought into doubt; about themselves, about the loved one who died, and about life itself. The question that permeates the situation is why, and unfortunately, the answer may never come. Anger, sadness, guilt, shock, fear all make an appearance. Often not in that order, and a few make several appearances. You feel out of control, and no way to repair anything.

That second is the worst one of your life.

That second changes who you are…forever.

Ultimately, we want to reduce the number of these seconds. But in the mean time, survivors need to understand there are people and organizations that care and are offering help.

They can’t take away that second, but they can help you see that your feelings aren’t unique, and you aren’t going crazy. Find someone to talk to and share your feeling with…or just to sit and cry with for a while. There is a new normal out there for each of us.

Unfortunately, finding and surviving in this new normal will take more than a second.

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